Must-see attractions in Timor-Leste

  • Projeto Montanha


    This Brazilian-founded social enterprise is a heartwarming place to visit. Kids and young adults from the surrounding area come here to be taught…

  • Outer wall of the Museum of Australian journalists killed in Balibo, Timor Leste.

    Balibó Flag House


    Balibó Flag House is where the five journalists reporting on Indonesian's invasion of East Timor stayed before they were killed by Indonesian Special…

  • Mundo Perdido


    Crashing through foliage under the squawks of bats and lorikeets as you climb Mundo Perdido (1775m) – which translates to 'Lost World' – is one of the…

  • Be Manis


    Once a former Portuguese mountain resort, these hot springs (be manis in Tetun) have been renovated into a fairly large complex, with pools of varying…

  • Wild Timor Coffee


    A handful of coffee cooperatives operate in Timor-Leste; this one was set up by Australian soldiers who served post-1999. Wild Timor Coffee has a cafe in…

  • Lifau Monument


    Lifau, 5km west of Pantemakassar, is the site of the original Portuguese settlement in Timor-Leste. The original rock-studded monument here commemorates…

  • Rock Art Caves


    There are fine examples of rock art in the cliffs and caves heading down towards Valu (beach), with depictions including cock fighting, sea urchins and…

  • Mud Geysers


    Watch volcanic mud and steam bubbling up from this weird grey landscape. The spot is five minutes from Oesilo, which is around a 1½-hour drive south of…

  • Ponte Noefefan


    This new, photogenic three-arched bridge spans Tono River and links the rest of Oecusse to those in the 'city' (which is actually not many people).

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