Must-see attractions in Tibet

  • The Potala Palace in Morning Sunlight

    Potala Palace


    The magnificent Potala Palace, once the seat of the Tibetan government and the winter residence of the Dalai Lamas, is Lhasa's cardinal landmark. Your…

  • Tibet, Lhasa, monks chanting at Jokhang temple

    Jokhang Temple


    The 1300-year-old Jokhang Temple is the spiritual heart of Tibet: the continuous waves of awestruck pilgrims prostrating themselves outside are a…

  • Shigatse, China - December 26 2018: Buddist monk walk in the traditional tashilhunpo monastery in Tibet province.

    Tashilhunpo Monastery


    One of the few monasteries in Tibet to weather the stormy seas of the Cultural Revolution, Tashilhunpo remains relatively unscathed. It is a pleasure to…

  • Drepung monastery, Lhasa, Tibet, China

    Main Assembly Hall


    The main assembly hall, or Tsogchen, is the principal structure in the Drepung complex and is the one chapel you must not miss. The hall is reached…

  • BP68C8 Western Tibet Tsaparang, Lhakhang Marpo

    Lhakhang Marpo


    This large building was constructed around 1470. The beautiful murals were repainted around 1630, shortly before the fall of the Guge kingdom. The…

  • Sera Je College


    This is the largest of Sera’s colleges, generally accessed from a western side entrance. It has a breathtaking main hall, hung with thangkas and lit by…

  • Lhakhang Karpo


    The large Lhakhang Karpo holds the oldest paintings at Tsaparang and is probably the most important chapel in all of Ngari. The murals date back to the…

  • Tomb of Tsongkhapa


    The red, fortress-like structure of Tsongkhapa’s mausoleum is probably the most impressive of the reconstructed buildings at Ganden. It’s above a…

  • Main Assembly Hall


    The main assembly hall (Tsogchen) is the largest of Sera’s buildings and dates to 1710. The central hall is particularly impressive and is noted for its…

  • Assembly Hall


    The recently renovated tsogchen (assembly hall) has statues of the 16 arhats (literally ‘worthy ones’) and two huge statues of Tsongkhapa (only visible…

  • Chapel of the Prefect


    This small building was a private shrine for Tsaparang’s prefect or regent. The caretaker has named it the ‘Drölma Lhakhang’ after his own sculpture of…

  • Main Debating Courtyard


    If you’re here in the afternoon, save some time to watch the monk debating (lots of shouting, hand slapping and gesticulation) between 2.30pm and 4pm in…

  • Chagpo Ri Rock Carvings


    This hidden corner of Lhasa features more than 5000 painted rock carvings that were created on the back side of Chagpo Ri over the course of a millennium…

  • King Tiger Hot Springs


    The Tagyel Chutse (King Tiger Hot Springs) are a Yellowstone-style collection of bubbling hot springs and puffing steam outlets that seem to lead straight…

  • Sera Monastery,  Lhasa city, Tibet

    Sera Monastery


    About 5km north of Lhasa, Sera was founded in 1419 by a disciple of Tsongkhapa as one of Lhasa's two great Gelugpa monasteries. About 600 monks are now in…

  • Drepung Monastery


    Along with Sera and Ganden Monasteries, Drepung functioned as one of the three 'pillars of the Tibetan state', and it was purportedly the largest…

  • Mt Kailash


    Sacred Mt Kailash dominates the landscape of western Tibet through both its unique geographical allure and its sacred, metaphysical role as the religious…

  • Red Palace


    You start the tour of the main Potala building from the top and descend through the bowels of the building to exit on the ground floor. The gilded buddhas…

  • Sera Me College


    Follow the pilgrims clockwise, past the Tsangba Kangtsang and Tsowa Kangtsang residential halls and several minor buildings, to Sera Me College. This…

  • White Palace


    On the roof of the Potala, the private quarters of the 13th and 14th Dalai Lamas are to the right. The Dalai Lamas would have watched festival dances…

  • Thangkas highlighted by ray of light, Assembly Hall, Ganden Monastery.

    Ganden Monastery


    About 50km east of Lhasa, this monastery, founded in 1417 by Tsongkhapa, was the first Gelugpa monastery. Still the order's heart and soul, it's the one…

  • Tibetan monks at Sera monastery debating in the courtyard; Shutterstock ID 11988370; full: digital; gl: 65050; netsuite: poi; your: Barbara Di Castro

    Debating Courtyard


    There is usually monk debating here on weekday afternoons from around 3pm to 5pm, which provides a welcome relief from peering at Buddhist iconography…

  • Gossul Monastery


    South of Chiu Monastery on the shore of Manasarovar, this charming 16th-century monastery has long been part of the Manasarovar kora but can now be…

  • Tsari Nam-tso


    One excellent half-day or overnight excursion from Tsochen is to Tsari (Zhari) Nam-tso, a huge and spectacular salt lake that remains totally undeveloped…

  • Tsaparang


    The citadel of Tsaparang, 18km west of Zanda, is one of Western Tibet's great hidden gems. Dozens of ruined residences and chapels dot a naturally…

  • Drapsang Monastery


    The dramatically situated Drapsang Monastery is a worthy detour off the main highway. Nuns will show you a skull-shaped rock and statues of Guru Rinpoche…

  • Zimchung Tridok Khang


    To the east of the Assembly Hall's Ser Trikhang (Golden Throne Room) and slightly uphill, this residence contains the living quarters and throne of the…

  • Tagyel-tso


    This large turquoise lake is one of Tibet's most beautiful and is a fine place to camp if you’re prepared for the cold and especially the altitude (around…

  • Thöling Monastery


    Founded by Rinchen Zangpo in the 10th century, Thöling Monastery was once Ngari’s most important monastic complex. Atisha stayed here for three years…

  • Seralung Monastery


    Seralung was built in 1728 to atone for a war against Ladakh. The most revered image is the central Jowo Katasapani; to the right is a statue of Kunchog…

  • Piyang


    The village of Piyang (4180m) lies at the foot of a large ridge honeycombed with thousands of caves and topped with a ruined monastery and two caves with…

  • Shangshung


    Down the Sutlej Valley, 3km past Khyunglung (曲龙, Qūlóng) village, is the extensive ruined cave city that is thought to have been Shangshung, western Tibet…

  • Dungkhar


    Fans of inner Asian art should visit Dungkhar (4250m) for its 800-year-old Kashmiri-Central Asian style wall paintings. There are three main caves in a…

  • Lhakhang Puk-cave. Here Lhalung Pelgyi Dorje is said to have meditated for 22 years beginnign in 842 AD. Drak Yerpa monast.-complex of more than 80 meditation caves. Lhasa pref.-Tibet.

    Drak Yerpa


    For those with an interest in Tibetan Buddhism, Drak Yerpa hermitage, about 30km northeast of Lhasa, is one of the holiest cave retreats in Ü. Among the…

  • Roof Decorations Of Shalu Monastery Near Shigatse, Tibet - stock photo

Photo taken in Lhasa, China

    Shalu Monastery


    It’s a treat for the traveller when a sight is both a pleasure to explore and of great artistic importance. Such is Shalu Monastery, which dates back to…

  • Drölma Lhakhang


    This significant but small monastery is jam-packed with ancient relics and hidden treasures. It’s only 30 minutes' drive southwest of Lhasa and is worth a…

  • Nechung Monastery


    This monastery, 10 minutes’ walk downhill from Drepung Monastery, is worth a visit for its historical role as the seat of the Tibetan State Oracle until…

  • Korjak Monastery


    The atmospheric blood-red Korjak Monastery (3790m) has been an important centre for the Sakya order since it was founded by Rinchen Zangpo in 996 as the…

  • Ganden Palace


    In 1530 the second Dalai Lama established the Ganden Podrang, the palace that was home to the subsequent Dalai Lamas until the fifth built the Potala. It…

  • Barkhor Square


    For your first visit to the Barkhor, enter from Barkhor Sq, a large plaza that was cleared in 1985. The square has been a focus for violent political…

More destinations you need to see