Subterranean life-size terracotta soldiers in battle formation - part of 2000 year old Army of Terracotta Warriors (Bingmayong).

Getty Images/Lonely Planet Images


Once the terminus of the Silk Road and a gathering place of cultures and religions, as well as being home to emperors, courtesans, poets, monks, merchants and warriors, the glory days of Xi'an (西安, Xī’ān; pronounced 'see-an') may have ended in the early 10th century, but a considerable amount of ancient Chang’an, the former city, survives behind the often roaring, modern metropolis . Xi'an’s Ming-era city walls remain intact, vendors of all descriptions still crowd the narrow lanes of the warren-like Muslim Quarter, and there are enough places of interest to keep even the most amateur historian riveted.


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Archaeologists have excavated 200 more terracotta warriors in China

Jan 8, 2020 • 1 min read

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