Parque Punta Curiñanco

Sur Chico

The 80-hectare Parque Punta Curiñanco, 35km northwest of Valdivia in Curiñanco, is a unique piece of Valdivian rainforest featuring four types of subforest within its boundaries. It's great for hiking and there are spectacular ocean views and a long, beautiful beach. Keep an eye out for the Darwin's frogs; they look conspicuously like an autumn leaf.

To get here from Valdivia, grab a bus marked Curiñanco (CH$1300, 45 minutes) to the left of the bridge to Isla Teja (on the Valdivia side) or from the bus terminal and take it all the way the end of the road. The entrance to the park is hidden behind two private properties, marked by a red sign about 20m or so from the end of the road, on your left just next to a downtrodden bus stop. Follow the signs 100m or so to the entrance; there's a little house where a man will open the gate to the park and take your entry fee.