Beautiful panoramic view of sandy beach on Pacific Ocean Coast. Taken in San Josef Bay, Cape Scott Provincial Park, Northern Vancouver Island, BC, Canada.; Shutterstock ID 1194463075; Your name (First / Last): Alex Howard; GL account no.: 65050; Netsuite department name: Digital Content; Full Product or Project name including edition: Best beaches in Canada

© EB Adventure Photography / Shutterstock

Northern BC

Northern British Columbia is where you'll truly feel that you've crossed that ethereal border into some place different. Nowhere else are the rich cultures of Canada's indigenous people so keenly felt, from the Haida on Haida Gwaii to the Tsimshian on the mainland. Nowhere else does land so exude mystery, whether it's the storm-shrouded coast and islands or the silent majesty of glaciers carving passages through entire mountain ranges. And nowhere else is so alive with fabled fauna, from orcas to moose to grizzlies.


Must-see attractions

Plan with a local

Go Beyond

Northern BC and beyond