Saracen Bay is an almost impossibly beautiful 2.5km-long crescent of white sand on the island's east coast, lined by two dozen or so resorts. Saracen Bay is under serious pressure from developers, who in 2019 clear-cut a huge swath of jungle behind the beach at the south end of the bay.

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Lonely Planet's must-see attractions
Past the southern end of Ochheuteal Beach, beyond the Phnom Som Nak Sdach (Hill of the King’s Palace) headland, lies stunning Otres Beach, a seemingly…
7.46 MILES
Past the Koh Tuch Beach headland (near Treehouse Bungalows) is Long Set Beach. Walk another half-hour along the sand and encounter little more than hermit…
13.09 MILES
About 1.5km southwest of Victory Beach, next to a shady grove, is Lamherkay Beach, also known as Hawaii Beach. Koh Pos (Snake Island), the island 800m…
14.52 MILES
This 4km-long beach qualifies as Sihanoukville’s main beach, but it's no place to swim these days as the rapid development of high-rise casinos along its…
13.91 MILES
Midway between Independence and Serendipity Beaches lies Sihanoukville’s prettiest stretch of sand, 1.5km-long Sokha Beach. Its fine, silicon-like sand…
12.98 MILES
Northwest of Sokha Beach, much of Independence Beach (also known as 7-Chann Beach) has been taken over by a gargantuan new property development, but a…
13.43 MILES
Not the best beach in town due to the looming backdrop of the Sihanoukville Port development, which has closed off part of Victory Beach. But the part…
14.84 MILES
Spectacular views of almost every casino (finished and unfinished) in Sihanoukville and gorgeous sunset panoramas await at Wat Leu, situated on a peaceful…
Nearby The Southern Islands attractions
1.09 MILES
This idyllic swath of sand is home to just a few resorts that are all quite lovely. It's a 30-minute hike (sneakers necessary) here from Saracen Bay, or…
6.43 MILES
Named because the island's police station is located here, Police Beach, just south of Koh Tuch, hosts wild all-night parties on Wednesdays and Saturdays,…
6.79 MILES
The wide sweep of Koh Tuch Beach extends for about 1km northeast from Koh Tuch village pier and gets lovelier the further out you go. We do not recommend…
7.46 MILES
Past the Koh Tuch Beach headland (near Treehouse Bungalows) is Long Set Beach. Walk another half-hour along the sand and encounter little more than hermit…
8.67 MILES
On the west side of the island is Koh Rong's finest beach, a 7km, almost empty stretch of drop-dead-gorgeous white sand. Sok San village at the northern…
8.84 MILES
At the easternmost point of the island, this jungle-clad, white-sand cove is roughly two hours from Koh Tuch on foot along the coast or 30 minutes by moto…
12.98 MILES
Northwest of Sokha Beach, much of Independence Beach (also known as 7-Chann Beach) has been taken over by a gargantuan new property development, but a…
13.09 MILES
About 1.5km southwest of Victory Beach, next to a shady grove, is Lamherkay Beach, also known as Hawaii Beach. Koh Pos (Snake Island), the island 800m…