Must-see attractions in Black Sea Coast

  • Archaeological Museum


    Exhibits at this vast museum, the best of its kind in Bulgaria, include 6000-year-old bangles, necklaces and earrings said to be the oldest worked gold…

  • Sveti Konstantin & Elena Monastery

    Black Sea Coast

    This tiny church and monastery was built in the early 18th century on the site of a holy healing spring, though it has been rebuilt and remodelled since…

  • Poda Conservation Centre


    Four lakes surrounding Burgas (Pomoriysko, Atanasovsko, Mandrensko and Burgasko) comprise 9500 hectares and represent the largest wetland system in…

  • Kaliakra Nature Reserve

    Black Sea Coast

    This 687-hectare reserve covers nearly the whole of Kaliakra Cape, a 2km-long headland that juts into the Black Sea 13km southeast of Kavarna. Visitors…

  • Ropotamo Nature Reserve

    Black Sea Coast

    This nature reserve is located 10km south of Sozopol, along the main road to Primorsko. Visitors can hike or picnic, but most come for a 30- to 40-minute…

  • Aladzha Monastery

    Black Sea Coast

    Little is known about this bizarre rock monastery; the caves were first inhabited by 11th-century hermits, but what remains today was created during the…

  • Chateau Euxinograde

    Black Sea Coast

    Located about 2km south of Sveti Konstantin, along the main road to Varna, the 90-hectare Euxinograde complex boasts a 19th-century palace featuring…

  • Monastery of Sveti Georgi the Victorious

    Black Sea Coast

    Sveti Georgi Monastery, built in 1856, is a small complex set in pretty gardens with a quaint, icon-filled church and a bell tower covered in saintly…

  • St Anastasia Island


    This small volcanic island makes for a fun day of exploring. The island, which has served as a religious retreat, a prison and pirate bait (according to…

  • Roman Thermae


    The well-preserved ruins of Varna's 2nd-century-AD Roman Thermae are the largest in Bulgaria and the fourth-largest of their kind in Europe. Visitors are…

  • History Museum

    Black Sea Coast

    This small museum doesn't always hold to the posted hours, but if you catch it open you'll find artefacts going back to the town's Thracian, Greek and…

  • Historical Museum

    Black Sea Coast

    The diverse collection here includes valuable remnants from excavations carried out at the nearby Kibela (Cybele) Temple (referred to at the museum as the…

  • Pomorie Lake Visitor Centre

    Black Sea Coast

    This interactive visitor centre provides information on bird- and species-conservation efforts on Pomorie Lake undertaken by the NGO Green Balkans. From…

  • Byzantine Baths

    Black Sea Coast

    Below ground level just behind the Sveti Spas Church are the partly excavated remains of a 6th-century Byzantine baths complex. Though not much to look at…

  • Sveta Bogoroditsa Church

    Black Sea Coast

    This relatively plain 19th-century church is the only functioning one in town and modestly dressed visitors are welcome. (Shawls are provided at the…

  • Primorski Park


    Established in 1878, this large and attractive green space, overlooking the sea, stretches for about 8km and is said to be the largest of its kind in…

  • Natural History Museum


    The museum presents the flora and fauna of the Black Sea region, divided into sections representing the area's geology, botany, vertebrates and…

  • History Museum

    Black Sea Coast

    The History Museum is spread out over three traditional houses, around 50m south of the centre. The first building shows off numerous Thracian and Roman…

  • Basilica of the Holy Mother Eleusa

    Black Sea Coast

    Overlooking the sea, the Basilica of the Holy Mother Eleusa dates from the 6th century, and later became a monastery. The fortified tower alongside it was…

  • National Naval Museum


    The National Naval Museum hosts several galleries of model ships and uniforms. Anchors, artillery and helicopters can be seen rusting quietly in the…

  • Dobrudzha and the Sea Museum

    Black Sea Coast

    This small exhibition on marine life, as well as some ancient coins, is situated in a restored Turkish bathhouse (hamam) going back to the 16th century…

  • Christ Pantokrator Church

    Black Sea Coast

    Typical of the characteristic Nesebâr construction is this well-preserved church, built in the mid-14th century. An unusual feature at the eastern end of…

  • Maritime Park


    Stretching lazily along the Black Sea coast and filled with manicured flower beds, fountains, busts of Bulgarian worthies, abstract sculptures and cafes,…

  • Archaeological Museum

    Black Sea Coast

    Explore the rich history of Nesebâr – formerly Mesembria – at this fine museum. Greek and Roman pottery, statues and tombstones, as well as Thracian gold…

  • Aquarium


    Housed in a powder-blue art deco building, the city aquarium is worth a look to see the tanks filled with seahorses, piranhas and conger eels, as well as…

  • Copernicus Planetarium


    Varna's retro planetarium is a beautiful building in its own right, though the nightly presentations (shows start at 5pm Monday to Saturday) are in…

  • Sveti Stefan Church

    Black Sea Coast

    Built in the 11th century and reconstructed 500 years later, this is the best-preserved church in town. If you only visit one, this is the church to…

  • Sveta Paraskeva Church

    Black Sea Coast

    With only one nave and one apse, the Sveta Paraskeva Church is a fine example of 13th-century architecture. The church now houses a small exhibition of…

  • St Michael the Archangel Church


    St Michael the Archangel Church was founded in 1865 and is historically significant as the first place where religious services were given in Bulgarian…

  • Archaeological Museum


    This small museum houses a diverting collection of local finds including Neolithic flint tools, a wooden canoe from the 5th century BC, Greek statuary and…

  • Salt Museum

    Black Sea Coast

    Pomorie Lake has been an important source of salt, via salt panning, through the ages. Visitors learn the techniques of panning as well as the history of…

  • Church of St John the Baptist

    Black Sea Coast

    The Church of St John the Baptist was built in the 10th century and features some of the best-preserved murals from the 14th and 17th centuries. The…

  • History of Varna Museum


    Varna’s ivy-clad city history museum covers the post-independence period from 1878 to 1939, with mock-ups of long-gone 1920s shops and offices,…

  • Sv Cyril & Methodius Cathedral


    Completed in 1907, the city’s main church boasts an especially fine, intricately carved iconostasis and colourful murals. It was closed in 2016 to undergo…

  • Natural History Museum


    Old-fashioned but informative displays on local flora, fauna and geology are on view here. Exhibits of rocks, seashells, butterflies and beetles occupy…

  • Art Gallery

    Black Sea Coast

    The permanent collection of this gallery holds about 1500 works of art from Bulgarian and foreign artists, though the main draws tend to be the highly…

  • Sveti Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church


    This elegant church was built in 1842 and features a barrelled wooden ceiling and a wonderful collection of naive icons. It’s normally closed, but the…

  • Sveti Spas Church

    Black Sea Coast

    This modest, single-nave church was built in 1609, below ground level, as dictated by the Ottoman authorities of the time. It features some well-preserved…

  • Ethnographic Museum


    This charming revival-era mansion built in 1860 houses an interesting collection of traditional folk costumes and furnishings, and has displays on local…