Home Hill Wines

In Ranelagh, 3km west of Huonville, is this superstylish winery – all rammed earth and corrugated iron (somehow very Australian) – which has been collecting trophies for its pinot noir, chardonnay and dessert wines. There’s also a sassy restaurant here.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby attractions

1. Willie Smith's Apple Shed

2.35 MILES

At Grove, 5km north of Huonville, this barn-like wooden shed is home to Willie Smith's Organic Apple Cider, and functions as a cafe-cum-provedore-cum…

2. Wooden Boat Centre

6.03 MILES

This engaging, sea-centric spot is a unique institution running accredited courses in traditional boat building (from one week to build a kayak, up to…

3. Panorama Vineyard

7.92 MILES

One kilometre from the Cradoc junction on a north-facing bank of the Huon River is the pioneering Panorama Vineyard (since 1974), where you can stick your…

4. Pagan Cider

9.04 MILES

Get fruity at this cider-maker outside of Cygnet that uses eating apples and pears, as well as squeezing out Australia's first natural cherry-apple cider…

5. Cygnet Living History Museum

11.16 MILES

For a window into Cygnet's soul, the little Cygnet Living History Museum is a quaint history room next to the church on the main street, stuffed full of…

6. Channel Heritage Centre

11.33 MILES

This fabulous community-owned museum on the roadside just south of central Margate is well worth a stop. A series of intimate, passionately curated…

7. Margate Train

11.51 MILES

Margate Train is a chance for train geeks to gawk at Tasmania's last passenger train, the good ol' Tasman Ltd, which stopped chugging in 1978. It stands…

8. Inverawe Native Gardens

11.54 MILES

Behind the Margate Train is Inverawe Native Gardens, a private, 9.5-hectare property with landscaped native gardens, trails, water views and 80 species of…