Australian of the Year Walk


The signs along this stretch of pathway pay tribute to those selected annually as Australian of the Year, Senior Australian of the Year, Young Australian of the Year and Local Heroes. Running underneath the plinths, the five lines carved into the path represent the lines of a musical stave, with the plinths' placement corresponding with the notes of 'Advance Australia Fair' (read west to east).

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby Canberra attractions

1. National Library of Australia

0.12 MILES

This institution has accumulated more than 10 million items since being established in 1901 and has digitised more than nine billion files. You can pop by…

2. Captain Cook Memorial Water Jet


Built in 1970 to mark the bicentenary of British explorer James Cook's landfall, this memorial near Regatta Point consists of a 6-tonne column of water…

3. Questacon

0.29 MILES

Most families visiting Canberra head straight for Questacon, Australia's premier science museum, where they can play around with fun interactive exhibits…

4. National Capital Exhibition

0.32 MILES

This small but fascinating museum tells the story of how Canberra came to be Australia's capital. Displays include reproductions of the drawings entered…

6. Reconciliation Place

0.34 MILES

A section of the grassy public space between Parliament and Lake Burley Griffin has been designated to represent the nation's commitment to the cause of…

7. Lake Burley Griffin

0.44 MILES

Every morning you'll see politicians running off the night before around this majestic lake and perhaps a few journos hot on their trail. This constructed…

8. National Portrait Gallery

0.46 MILES

Occupying a flash, purpose-built building, this wonderful gallery is a striking representation of Australia's shifting self-image and a must-see for art…